Patty has experience speaking to audiences of more than 1,000 attendees. She brings confidence, humor, and authenticity. Keynote speaker like Patty provide educational, informational, and motivational presentations. Keynote speakers are experts in the field that they are presenting. Therefore, they can speak extensively on a specific topic.
About the Speaker
Patty has been a voice to many who have had their voices silenced. As a keynote speaker, she has inspired thousands of youth and adults while also advocating for change to agencies. Patty has advocated and presented to judges, attorneys, probations officers (including the Chief of Probation), counselors, professors, social workers, and many others.

Topics & Expertise
Patty has been a keynote speaker, guest speaker, and panelist for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the County of Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), the Los Angeles Department of Probation, California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE), and several other agencies and universities.
Impact Matters
Every time Patty is invited as a guest speaker, the audience is engaged and participate in Q&As. Patty has been invited to speak at foster care settings such as group homes because the youth in the audience ask the staff.
Patty’s bilingual skills make her an ideal speaker. She has experience giving speeches and facilitating events in Spanish to monolingual Spanish speakers.